A Look Back at St. Patrick’s Day with Slider

The shelter ran another promotion for Slider’s adoption over St. Patrick’s Day. This promotional was extended through the end of March. We, again, tried to gain interest in Slider by hitting the socials hard with pictures and videos. The shelter shared our photos of Slider on their Facebook page numerous times in March. Here areContinue reading “A Look Back at St. Patrick’s Day with Slider”

A Look Back at Valentine’s Day with Slider

Since I fell off the blogging band wagon right as Slider came to stay with us, I have a few important events to update you about, and record here, for myself. The shelter ran a promotion for Slider’s adoption over the week of Valentine’s Day. In February Slider had been with us for two months.Continue reading “A Look Back at Valentine’s Day with Slider”

Slider is Still Here

Wow, the last several months have been crazy! We adopted Neville at the end of December. One week later, we took in a new foster, Slider. That same week, both Derek and I fell ill with Covid-19. We are much better, thankfully. Fostering through sickness is no joke, and adding to your pack is noContinue reading “Slider is Still Here”

Things with Neville are Going Well!

Things with Neville are going so well! He has come out of his shell so much! Derek and Neville are the best of buds. Neville can truly be a spitfire. He has tons of puppy-like energy. When he’s asleep, he is lounging like you wouldn’t believe. When he is awake, it’s like he’s had twelveContinue reading “Things with Neville are Going Well!”

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